Preventing & Treating Lyme Disease (Humans + Dogs)

Once segregated to small regions of the US, Lyme disease is now rapidly spreading throughout the country. In fact, the CDC is claiming it is reaching epidemic numbers and is much more serious than most people realize. A recent study(1) estimates the medical insurance cost of treating Lyme disease to be in excess of $1 Billion each year in the US alone, yet many patients do not respond to traditional medicine and suffer the debilitating symptoms of chronic Lyme disease each day.
In this post, we're going to talk about a completely natural method of both preventing AND treating Lyme disease that is both inexpensive and simple to follow. Not only has it shown great success in completely healing Lyme, but you also won't need to expose yourself to pharmaceuticals that have a very poor rate of success. There are many confirmed cases of both people (and the pets they treat) fully recovering from Lyme in a remarkably short time period following this natural protocol. Let's get educated on what Lyme disease is and how we can get it. Then, let's talk about how to not only treat it, but also follow a prevention regimen that can protect both yourself and your furry friends from contracting it in the first place!
What Is Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is a vector-borne disease, meaning that it is caused by an infectious bacteria transmitted to people by blood-sucking insects. In this case it is caused by a bacteria called borrelia burgdorferia, and transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected deer tick (also knows as the blacklegged tick - see image). To view the life cycle of the deer tick, click here.
Not all ticks carry infectious diseases, and only the deer tick transmits Lyme disease. In most cases, the tick that transmits the disease is an immature (young) tick that is the size of a poppy seed, making it very difficult to find. Many Lyme disease sufferers had no idea they have even been bitten.
Hidden Epidemic
Let's look at some important statistics:
- There are roughly 300,000 new Lyme disease of reported cases logged each year. But as many cases go unreported, the real number is much higher with some experts estimating well over 1 million.
- Lyme disease is now reported in 49 of 50 states and 65 countries worldwide.
- Lyme disease is one of the fastest growing infectious diseases in the US, with numbers and geographic footprint growing rapidly. It is now a serious and important public health issue.
Source: Bay Area Lyme Foundation
In some states, the number of infected ticks found through studies spans the entire state. In California alone, 42 of 58 counties have infected ticks. But the amount of ticks in any given area can vary greatly. For example, one park may have an infestation of ticks carrying the culprit bacteria, whereas 2 miles away, ticks may be practically non-existent.
Know the symptoms
Because many of the symptoms of Lyme disease are benign and easy to miss in the early stages, they are dismissed as a cold or flu, age-related, or general wear and tear on the body. There is also an overlap with symptoms of other conditions and because it mimics other illnesses, doctors often do not consider Lyme disease as a possibility until it has become chronic.
Emily Adrion, researcher at Johns Hopkins University and lead author on a new Lyme disease study states that in the beginning states, Lyme is much more treatable, but the longer you go without treatment, the more serious the symptoms can become making it increasingly difficult to both identify and treat. Not only that, treatments are expensive and frequently harmful with many people not responding to antibiotics, or responding to the point that symptoms are relieved yet the disease is pushed into remission to later be triggered by illness or stress.
Signs and symptoms of Lyme disease can vary greatly, with some people more affected than others. Joints, nervous system, and skin are the most commonly affected:
Early signs & symptoms |
Later signs & symptoms |
Co-Infections & Other Tick-Borne Diseases
Compounding the problem, there are multiple co-infections that many people contract when bitten by a tick, as well as the Lyme itself. Lyme disease is also one of several other diseases that can be contracted from infected ticks. Others include:
- Anaplasmosis
- Babesiosis
- Bartonellosis
- Ehrlichiosis
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
- Tularemia
- STARI (Southern tick-associated rash illness)
For more information about these diseases and their symptoms, click here.
Keep In Mind...
If you discover a tick on your body, don't panic! Keep in mind that even though Lyme disease cases are significantly on the rise, only a small percentage of tick bites lead to humans and pets contracting this or other diseases, however the longer the tick remains attached, the greater your risk of infection.
Preventing Lyme Disease
The best protection is prevention. Here are some simple and easy-to-follow steps to help protect yourself, your family, and your pets from tick-borne illnesses:
General Preventative Measures
As far as prevention goes, avoid the vaccine. There is a great deal of controversy about its effectiveness and the potential side effects. For this reason, many doctors and veterinary clinics do not offer or recommend the vaccine.
How to Remove a Tick
One of the simplest ways to remove a tick is to use a simple and inexpensive device called a Tick Twister (available here from Amazon). This handy little "tool" is very easy to use and can be purchased online or from your local pharmacy or pet store. If you don't have one, then a pair of tweezers can be used instead.
Using a Tick Twister |
Using a Pair of Tweezers |
Slide the "V" opening of the tick twister around the tick and slowly rotate until the tick has been removed from skin. | Grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and gently twist while pulling the tick out. Be very careful you don't pull out the body and leave the head embedded. | |
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After the tick has been removed, swab the area with soap and water or hydrogen peroxide. Place the tick in a ziplock bag so that it can be later identified.
Give Yourself A "Natural Vaccine"
If you live in an area where ticks are prevalent, an excellent preventative measure is to take a homeopathic nosode treatment that triggers your body to build immunity against Lyme disease. Lyme disease prevention nosodes have been used to successfully prevent Lyme disease in areas such the North East US which experiences the highest occurrences. Not only is this treatment inexpensive, is so safe it can also be given to both children and pets. Homeopathy as proven itself clinically effective in preventing and treating illnesses like Lyme disease in ALL its clinical stages.(4) High success rates using nosodes for Lyme disease have been reported by many reviewers of these products on Amazon, as well as well-respected doctors and veterinarians.(5) (6) (7) (8)
Nosodes and homeopathic remedies may be gentle, but they are powerful healers. Homeopathy has been integrated into the national healthcare system of many countries, including France, Germany, the UK, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and Mexico. Sadly, in the US natural solutions are largely ignored due to a healthcare industry heavily controlled by the pharmaceutical industry and high profit margins of modern medicine. Despite this, many surgeons (especially plastic surgeons) do routinely recommend a homeopathic remedy called Arnica Montana to lessen bruising and bleeding.
A nosode is a preparation used by many naturopathic physicians and veterinarians, as well as homeopathic doctors, to treat disease. It is created using a highly diluted preparation of the disease itself, diluted to the point that there is no danger of contracting any illness. There is no potential to become infected as the dilution process deactivates all viable organisms. Think of it as a form of very gentle vaccine that has no dangers or side effects and is safe for adults, children, and pets. Both naturopathic physicians and vets consider it far more successful than the Lyme vaccine, which is considered weak at best.
When it comes to tick-borne diseases there are two types of treatments that are designed to help stimulate an immunity against tick-borne diseases:
Lyme Disease Nosode
Protects against Lyme disease only. Resellers include:
> Lyme Nosode available from Pure Formulas
> Lyme Nosode available from Amazon- Tick Disease Nosode
Protects against a combination of different tick-borne diseases which include Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis, Tularemia, anaplasmosis, and others. Resellers, including:
> Tick Pathogen Nosode available from Pure Formulas
> Tick Pathogen Nosode available from Amazon
Just like tinctures and extracts, nosode preparations are very easy to take. They come in small, dark bottles that contain a dropper for easy administration. The following schedule is for adults. For children 4-12 and small dogs, half the dose. For infants, consult a practitioner.
STEP 1: 1 dropperful daily for a week
STEP 2: 1 dropperful each week for a month
STEP 3: 1 dropperful every 6 months
Apply drops under tongue 30 mins before or after any food or drink (including water).
World Health Organization |
Nosodes for tick-borne diseases are used by many natural healthcare practitioners with great success (as well as medical doctors who offer a more holistic approach to wellness in recognition of the significant failure rate of traditional medicine to effectively treat Lyme disease).
Ready to learn more about Homeopathy?
Homeopathy: What it is & how it works...
Treating Lyme Disease Naturally
If Lyme disease is caught in the acute stage (often it isn't), the common treatment is a course of antibiotics (usually doxycycline or amoxicillin) which are effective for some people, yet ineffective for others. Compounding the situation, antibiotic resistance can make this a useless option (antibiotic resistance is so serious that it causes the death of hundreds of thousands each year). For chronic conditions, antibiotics rarely do any good and when given long-term, create more harm than good.
The natural treatment for Lyme disease involves taking a homeopathic treatment called Ledum Palustre 3 times each day for 3 days. Ledum Palustre is also known as Wild Rosemary. Here is the protocol for the two most commonly found strengths:
- Ledum Palustre 1 M: 1 pellet 3x per day for 3 days (from Amazon - note the high rating)
- Ledum Palustre 30C: 3-5 pellets 3x per day for 3 days (from Amazon)
As with the prevention nosode, apply drops under tongue 30 mins before or after any food or drink (including water).
If you have been bitten by a tick and you are concerned you may have Lyme disease, FIRST follow the treatment protocol for 3 days, THEN follow the prevention protocol above.
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